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Jan de Groen

About Robbert

Robbert So is a Dutch photographer and filmmaker, based in Rotterdam, NL.

'I occasionally make documentary film on fascinating people, their dreams and crafts.'

When working on his documentary 'Taste of the soul' (Offician selection Dutch Film Festival 2010: a film on two cooks and a taster) Robbert began his ongoing research on capturing the emotion of taste. Food photography has since become one of his passions.


Royal Flemish Conservatory Antwerp, drama department, MA, 1993-1997

Amsterdam University of the Arts, DasArts postgraduate trajectory, 2002-2004

Film credits

Director Taste of the soul, documentary on two cooks and a Michelin taster, official selection Dutch Film Festival 2010, official selection Rotterdam Film Festival 2011, NCRV Dokument.

Director  A Perfect Game, documentary on three young baseball talents, official selection Dutch Film Festival 2017, Opening Film SFFR 2018, BNNVARA 2Doc.

In development: Pointless, documentary on four mondern clowns.

In development: Jorre, documentary on a friend with Huntington's disease.

Book credits

Photography & bookdesign Taste is memory, Erik van Loo, 2010.

Photography & bookdesign Sauces, Erik van Loo, 2011.

Photography & bookdesign Soup, Erik van Loo, 2012

Photography & bookdesign Franse Stap,   Eric-Jan Fransen, 2012.

Photography & bookdesign Rotterdams Straatvoer, Erik van Loo, 2014.

Photography & bookdesign Na de reis, Havenziekenhuis Rotterdam, 2015.

Photography & bookdesign Cuisine & Catering, Maureen van der Wyck, 2016.

Editor & photography A taste of the Netherlands, Gault & Millau guide BeLux, 2021

Photography & bookdesign Cuisine & Catering part 2, Maureen van der Wyck, 2021.

Theatre credits

Actor De Tijd, Antwerpen, 1996 - 2003.

Director Lot's Daughters, Rotterdamse Schouwburg, 1998

Director Chronicle of a death foretold - Garciá Márquez, Lantaren/Venster, Rotterdam, 2000.

Director Le Petit Prince - Saint-Exupéry, Lantaren/Venster, Rotterdam 2003

Director To The Wedding - Berger, Jonge Sla Produkties, Rotterdam 2003.

Director N'Yam Bai (to eat rice), Oerol Festival, Terschelling, 2004.

Camera & live animation Walküre - Richard Wagner, Staatsoper Stuttgart/ Hotel Modern, 2022 - 2023.

Camera & live animation Oer en andere tijden - Olga Tokarczuk, ITA/ Hotel Modern, 2023

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